Most-Viewed Blog Posts
Here are the five most-viewed posts with their links; just click on the post title:
Mehgan Murphy’s exceptional photographs made the 2013 post Anteater Photo Addendum very special. (Photo from |
I was surprised how much interest the 2014 post Stroboscopic Training elicited, especially because it didn’t really catch on until months after the post was released. (Nike advertisement for stroboscopic eyewear.) |
Interest in the 2013 post Fish Eyespots, which also began months after the post’s release, caused me to wonder if I should be writing more about tropical fish. (Photo from |
The 2015 post Facial Expressions Addendum reviewed the Facial Action Coding System developed and modified by Paul Ekman and colleagues. (Photos of Tim Roth, lead actor in the TV show Lie to Me, are from multiple websites.) |
Though included to supplement a post on research sponsor bias, the 2014 post Sugary Beverage Addendum presented different campaigns against sugary beverages and attracted its own audience. (The Rethink Your Drink poster is from Hawaii’s |
The early posts were well received though the blog had yet to attain a ranking on Google that would allow them to be found by chance. Many of those posts tended to be humorous, such as these three:
In the 2011 post Time for Lawn and Garden, I described the rites of spring but somehow pulled the wrong photos. For example, this photo's caption was "Neighbors’ kids helping out in Warren’s garden." |
The 2012 post Dental Check-Up Time was an abridged memoir of my dental experiences. Pictured here from the post is the drill used by a local dentist I visited in the Philippines. (Photo of Fuller drill from Amazon) |
Pet posts were all well received, particularly those about cats. Nevertheless, my choice for the top pet post is the 2011 Time for Non-Furry Pets, at least the part about my wife’s tropical fish, Godzilla. (Photos provided by |
Being a romantic, I’ve always had a special place in my heart for my first Valentine’s Day post, the 2012 Happy Valentine’s Day! Familiarity with the Trogg’s love song "Wild Thing" will enhance your admiration for the rose I presented to my wife. |
I occasionally ventured into the world of fantasy, most often knowingly. The first such post was the 2012 Predawn Jogging Mystery. |
Although I began including travel photos with my first post, the first travelogue was the 2011 Time to Visit the Arecibo Observatory, which described my 1965 introduction to Puerto Rico and first day on the job at what was then the world’s largest radar-radio astronomy telescope. |
A sea change in blog topics came with my shift from personal experiences to research reviews, which eventually led me to move to Warren’s Notice.
The first research review was the 2012 post Memories and Doors, which addressed how walking through doorways caused forgetting. I had questions about the test participants and if doorways affected cats. |
There was a gap of four months between the first and second research review, the 2012 post Snail Power, which described how snails can be used to generate electricity. I proposed a scheme for powering houses with snails in the basement. (Photo of Giant East African snails by Roberta Zimmerman, USDA APHIS.) |
One of the earliest Retired--Now What? Blog headers. |
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