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What is the best way to transport gunshot and stab wound victims to the trauma center? (photo from multiple websites) |
Ground EMS vs. Private Vehicle Transport
Collaborating medical specialists from Northwestern University, American College of Surgeons, University of Toronto and Johns Hopkins analyzed information available from the National Trauma Data Bank for the years 2010 through 2012.
From over 2.3 million patient records, they selected 103,029 at 298 hospitals for study. Those were the gunshot or stab wound patients age 16 or older, who were transported by ground EMS or private vehicle to a level 1 or level 2 trauma center in the 100 most populous metropolitan areas. (Level 1 and 2 centers have the most comprehensive resources and admit the most patients.)
Patients in the study sample were predominantly male (88%), average age 32, 48% black, 26% white and 18% Hispanic. Black and Hispanic patients were over 4 times more likely to have been transported by private vehicle than by ground EMS; white patients were over 6 times more likely to have been transported by ground EMS.
Risk-adjusted mortality was assessed and evaluated after stratifying by injury severity. Variables included presenting heart rate, presenting systolic blood pressure, presenting Glasgow Coma Scale Motor Score (describes level of consciousness after traumatic brain injury), Injury Severity Score (assesses trauma severity), age, sex, race/ethnicity, insurance status and year of admission.
The average Injury Severity Score for patients transported by private vehicle (5.5) was about half that of patients transported by ground EMS (10.1); both averages were below moderate/severe (15), which is considered major trauma.
Lowest Mortality Transport
The researchers found that, after risk adjustment, the odds of penetrating injury patients dying when transported by private vehicle were on the order of 38% lower than when transported by ground EMS. This broke down to about 45% lower for gunshot wound patients and about 32% lower for stab wound patients.
Does that say forget about calling for an ambulance for your next heart attack or injury? Absolutely not. The study was limited to gunshot and stab wound victims because penetrating injury victims are least likely to benefit significantly from prehospital interventions and most likely to benefit from timely surgical intervention.
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Gunshot and stab wound victims need timely surgical intervention more than prehospital interventions. (photo from multiple websites) |
Wrap Up
I felt urged to review this study when I saw that the State of Wisconsin, where I currently reside, will probably join a dozen other states and allow permitless carry (aka constitutional carry) of concealed guns. As I understand it, none of these states requires the gun buyer to receive any safety training.
Whatever my views on gun rights and gun control, I am a realist. I expect the number of gunshot wounds to increase with permitless concealed carry, and thus, I see the need to alert the public that private vehicle transport might be the way to go, at least if you’re in range of a level 1 or 2 trauma center. (While nearly all Wisconsin hospitals participate in the trauma system, only 9% are level 1 or 2.)
I hope I’m wrong. Thanks for stopping by.
Study of penetrating injury transport to trauma center in JAMA Surgery: jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/2654239
Article on study on ScienceDaily website: www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/09/170920131648.htm
American College of Surgeons National Trauma Data Bank: www.facs.org/quality-programs/trauma/ntdb
American Trauma Society - Trauma Center Levels: www.amtrauma.org/?page=traumalevels
Injury Severity Score: dphhs.mt.gov/Portals/85/publichealth/documents/EMSTS/trauma/coordinator/ISSHandoutTC.pdf
Example articles on Wisconsin permitless concealed carry law:
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