26 November 2013

Women’s Suffrage Photo Addendum

Rather than continue the theme of last Friday’s blog post, Women in Government, I thought it might be more interesting to look back at getting women the right to vote.

Since I’m offering only a handful of photographs from the Library of Congress, I’ll begin with an excerpt from a post on the Stage of Life website--“A Woman Votes,” by Miriam Biskin. You may recall that Miriam has guest-blogged here more than once.

2012 is a year to remember. The 113th Congress we elected will include more women than ever before…As I waited my turn to vote, I remarked to the woman next in line that the 19th Amendment and I were the same age. She informed me that she was even older, born in 1917, and that her mother, an avid suffragette, always fumed over how long the process had taken. Why women had not been covered under the 14th Amendment, neither of us could fathom.

Head of suffrage parade, Washington, D.C., 1913.
(Library of Congress LOT 11052-2, LC-USZ62-22262)
Suffragists marching, probably in New York City, 1913.
(Library of Congress LOT 11052-4, LC-B201-3643-12)
Help us to win the vote, 1914. (Library of
Congress LOT 11052-4, LC-USZ62-23622)
Suffragettes parading with banner "President Wilson
favors votes for women." New York City, ca.1916.
(Library of Congress LOT 11052-4, LC-USZ62-38965
Ready for the G.O.P. convention, probably 1920. National
Woman's Party representatives in front of their Washington
D.C. headquarters holding a banner with a Susan B. Anthony
quote from 1872 and 1894: “No self respecting woman should
wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex.”
(Library of Congress LOT 12351-10, LC-USZ62-95442)

- Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Online Catalog: www.loc.gov/pictures
- Miriam Biskin’s “A Woman Votes,” on Stage of Life:
- National Archives’ “19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote”:
(Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment guarantees all American women the right to vote. Achieving this milestone required a lengthy and difficult struggle; victory took decades of agitation and protest.)

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