Frank Zuern stopping to check one of the 40 nesting boxes he's placed. |
They tromped through the fields, but this wasn’t another of Vicki’s tick-gathering projects. Whenever you’re with Frank, it’s a learning experience. (Many thanks to Vicki for all of the photos in this post.)
Frank examining an empty nesting box. |
Although Frank is in his mid-80s, he’s yet to slow down. He was an elementary school teacher and principal. For something like 13 years, he also served as Director of Outdoor Education for the local school district, arranging programs and speakers, lecturing and leading groups into the field (e.g., Sullivan’s Woods, a warbler hotspot).
Oh darn! This nesting box had a Tree Swallow’s nest. |
An ardent conservationist, Frank loves just about anything he can find outdoors. He’s active in the local Audubon Society and especially partial to bluebirds.
I’ve nothing against bluebirds; I’m leery of bluebirders. I spent most of my life in Upstate New York, away from large urban areas. The American Robin (Turdus migratorius) was the state bird, which is reasonable since it’s good looking and sounding, is everywhere from spring through fall, and puts on a great show capturing earthworms.
House Sparrow’s eggs to be removed along with the nest from a bluebird nesting box. This non-native bird slaughters native species. |
Here in Wisconsin, they knew enough to keep the robin as the state bird, chosen originally by school children; but they did start worrying about bluebirds. Breeding Bird Surveys were showing steep losses in bluebird population caused by agricultural practices, especially spraying and spreading of DDT; competition from House Sparrows and European Starlings; severe weather and loss of habitat and nesting sites.
Finally! A bluebird nest in a nesting box. |
Frank’s Bird House
Among the restoration activities was a program to install artificial nesting boxes in prime locations. Different designs were and still are recommended and thousands have been placed. They seem to be working.
Bluebirds’ nests are remarkably neat. Old nests should be removed to encourage new nests and limit parasites. (More about monitoring the box in the next post.) |
Based on his observations and research, Frank came up with his own design. It’s one of the more successful nesting boxes. I’ll get into it, so to speak, next Tuesday. I hope you’ll be back.
Thanks for stopping by.
North American Bluebird Society:
Bluebird Restoration Assoc. of Wisconsin:
Cornell Ornithology Lab’s Nest Watch:
Saving Birds Thru Habitat:
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