14 June 2013

Pet Update

Welcome back. I haven’t written a word about family pets since Vacuuming with Cats months ago. I’ll bet you’re anxious for an update. 

Hairless Cats
Hairless cats, Chantilly, Flax and
Jasmine, trying to keep warm. (Photo
courtesy of Jessica Fine, DVM MS)

I might as well start with Flax, Jasmine and Chantilly, the hairless cats featured in the Vacuuming with Cats Photo Addendum

I know they frightened a lot of readers and that I called them giant moles, but my niece, the veterinarian, contends they are plain old sweet cats (as if cats are sweet) and they’re still adorable.

Beagle Dogs

Rachel, my daughter, reports that Sydney and Beag, the dogs that posed for Time for Pets--Dogs nearly two years ago, are absolutely wonderful.

Beagles Sydney and Beag barking and
discovering. (Photo courtesy of Rachel.)
That would be a sea change for the dynamic duo, for which Rachel’s blog is named, Two Beags Barking, as well as her newer pet portrait website--Two Beags Barking Photography. I guess animals can mellow with age. Take me. Or take Boss.
Boss the Cat

Sadly, I must report that Boss was put down a few months ago. She had become a feline Quasimodo. By her 12th year, she had mellowed markedly from the speedy, unbelievably dumb third wheel I described in Time for Pets--Cats.

An old photo of our late cat Boss, who took
many years to learn which way is up.

Much of Boss’s serenity came the year we hosted our son Noah’s evicted cat, Henry, Cats--Henry and Boss. After Henry, it took a lot to spook Boss. When Vicki drove the rented truck from Virginia to Wisconsin, Boss was content to curl up, unlike her screaming banshee chapter in Time for Pets--Cats Revisted.

Henry the Alpha Ca

I’ve written often about Henry--from our first encounter, Time for Pets--Henry the Cat, to his dominating my life for a year, Cat and Man--Henry and Me, to his so intimidating the professional pet sitter that she would not enter the house to care for him and entrapped Boss.

Reclaimed by Noah and wife Cassy last July and alone most of the day, Henry got worse--Where have you been? Entertain me! But a breakthrough occurred when they cautiously let Henry, a stay-inside cat, step outside.

At first he didn’t stray far; mostly to the base of a tree to threaten a squirrel and watch it carry on. Soon, however, Henry began to disappear as any bored cat with attitude would do, even if neutered. When he returned, he was a changed cat, happy to eat and cuddle.

Noah and Cassy recently learned about some of Henry’s roaming. As they were sitting with Henry on their front steps, a woman walked by with a large dog on a leash. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “It’s your cat!”

Henry the cat surveying his subjects
 from his refrigerator throne.
(Photo courtesy of Noah.)
To their relief, the woman did not show cat scratches or demand Henry be caged or worse. She simply described how he appeared one day and immediately became the leader of the pack--her three cats, probably others and maybe even a dog or two.

Wrap Up

I selected Vicki’s first cat, Lassie; I didn’t object strenuously to adding the second cat, Rex; and Boss materialized one day to complete the trio. All are gone now. I love animals, even beagles, giant moles and Henry, but I’ve reached the point that I don’t dare ask Vicki if she misses not having a pet. Thanks for stopping by.


Have you entered the Retired--Now What? Blog Contests yet?
-Writing: Describe your Personal Best--see Personal Best Contest
-Photography: Depict “Personal Best”--see Photo Addendum Contest

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