07 April 2015

Finger Painting Addendum

Pondering an extension of last Friday’s post, Finger Length Ratio, I thought you’d welcome something more, well, colorful. That led me to finger painting. Since my recollection of the topic was limited to artwork hung prominently on our refrigerator when my offspring were in elementary school, my reaction to what I found was WOW!

Before justifying my reaction, I’d better mention that Ruth Faison Shaw introduced finger painting to art education and, in 1931, patented a non-toxic, gelatinous paint that would be safe for children. Adults decided to try it out, and they--finger painting artists--moved on to donning surgical gloves so they could finger paint with oils, acrylics, soft pastels and just about anything in addition to Ms. Shaw’s finger paint.

Zaria Forman’s finger painting, “Greenland #66,” on view at the American Embassy in Switzerland through 2017. Soft pastel on paper. (From www.zariaforman.com/; video of artist’s work:
Iris Scott’s finger painting, “Shakin' off the Blues,” paper print of original oil (From twistedsifter.com/2014/06/fine-art-finger-paintings-by-iris-scott/; artist’s website: www.irisscottfineart.com/)
Dennis Velco’s finger painting, “Poppies and Their Buds,” acrylic paint on canvas. (From www.dennisvelco.com/; 1st of 22 videos of artist at work: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvUbSvUuens&index=4&list=PL64590AA4B7BDD3AF)
The late Jimmie Lee Sudduth’s folk art, finger painting, “The Grimsley House with Tree,” mud and paint on wood. (From www.marciaweberartobjects.com/sudduth.html)
Chuck Close’s “Fanny/Fingerpainting,” oil on canvas, which earlier hung in Smithsonian’s National Gallery of Art. (From www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/chuck-close-fanny-fingerpainting; www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page.69637.html)
Paolo Troilo’s finger painting “Carnival #3,” acrylic on canvas. (From www.troilo54.com/; video of the artist describing his work: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM5W8ntRPxc)
Hanging scroll "Finger Painting of Eagle and Pine Trees" by Gao Qipei (1660-1734), Shanghai Museum. (From commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GaoQipei-FingerPaintingOfEagleAndPineTrees-ShanghaiMuseum-May27-08.jpg)
I’ll end with this painting, because I like it and the strokes and smears are how I remember finger painting. (Painter unknown; from synergysm.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/Fingerpainting_Poster.jpg)

Background: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fingerpaint
Examples of other artists whose work is not shown here:

1 comment:

  1. In working on my website I stumbled upon this article and just wanted to say thank you for including me and my artwork. I will be soon starting to work on several large series featuring Florida Native wildlife and an Active Lifestyle series as well.

    Much gratitude.

    Dennis Velco
    St. Petersburg, Florida
